Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Cake Run 19: Tsoknut Batirol: "Tablea Chocolate Cake"

Welcome to episode 19 of Cake Run. Our cake of the day is still from Tsoknut Batirol and it is unforgivable to leave the shop without at least purchasing their specialty.
The Tablea Chocolate Cake is made from local chocolate tablets hence the name “tablea” and can be used in almost all recipes involving chocolate. It has many applications and can be used as a main ingredient in almost all chocolate recipes or even drinks if you are getting tired of the usual imported ones in the market. Before talking about the cake itself, allow me first to have a brief introduction of this tablea chocolate.

Taste-wise, it is already sweet but the levels vary per brand so it is up to you to canvass which one suits your recipe. I suggest that you go for the less sweet ones if you are going to use it across a wide variety for your chocolate recipes, so you have the freedom to adjust the sweetness. If you buy the really sweet ones, it is going to be a disaster when you are not really in the mood for fondue and would just like to fix yourself a cup of hot chocolate. I especially love tablea hot chocolate drink for its particles does not dissolve fast when melted in high heat, so you still get to experience its unique taste and flavor. I find it frustrating that some highly marketed chocolate powder drinks end up “watered down” when the water is too hot, leaving you to drink chocolate water instead of a chocolate drink.

Based on personal experience, usually the different tableas in the market are not really powerfully sweet. The main difference usually is in the texture. Some are chunkier and some are powder-ish when broken down or melted. Taste does not really vary whether it is of the chunk or the powder type. I guess it has more to do with the process of how it was made. Anyway, I do not claim to be the expert. I am just a certified lover of cakes with a particular tongue and eye for the chocolate ones.

When applied to chocolate cake, it has not lose its “tablea” touch given that it still possesses an air of strength that shouts “freshly made chocolates” just for you.If you watch Ratatouille, this cake gives the same feel as what Anton Ego felt when he tasted the dish called Ratatouille reminding him of his childhood. Most of the time, the taste of a recipe is also psychological. It is subjective more than it is objective especially if it is something that you have already tried in the past. We put attachments to experiences and these are called feelings with memories associated with that recipe. While I have not really tasted much table chocolate cake in my life, I sure did drink a lot of hot chocolate tablea when I was a kid. Usually, my mother prepares it for me when I am sad, tired or stressed out. Oh dear, this cake is making my eyes wet.

The inside is just pure chocolate bread or chiffon so you would not feel full after eating despite its size being a little larger than a regular slice. Even the tablea itself is not heavy, so I would not be surprised if its caloric count is almost similar to that of a regular bread pastry.
Have a Tablea and Be Merry!  Feel free to share your comments and insights.

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